Regional CCS hub demonstrator linking CO2 sources to underground storage site
GREEN PULSE addresses the shortage of onshore CCS projects in Southern Europe by setting-up a first-of-its-kind pilot project. It consists in connecting CO2 sources from the Escombreras industrial cluster in Murcia (and from other Spanish and European regions at a later commercial-scale stage) to an onshore geological storage site, through a secure, cost effective and shared open access transport infrastructure, to meet the European Commission’s climate-neutrality ambition by 2050.
The Murcia region has been identified as a strategic location for the Pilot Project as it hosts (i) the third largest industrial complex in terms of CO2 emission in Spain, (ii) a suitable underground geological storage facility that allows permanent sequestration of CO2 emissions and (iii) key transport infrastructures (such as the port of Cartagena, gas transport pipelines and the planned green H2Med corridor that will connect Spain to France).
The Pilot Project will be developed by a consortium made of diversified and highly skilled and motivated members from 6 European countries with a proven track-record in scaling green businesses.
The Pilot Project is well underway as it has already secured:
- Commitment to provide 10.000-15.000 tons of CO2 for injection tests to assess the Pilot Project
- An exploration and investigation permit of the geological storage site granted by the Government of the Murcia Region.
- A force field analysis providing an in-depth knowledge about the societal needs, policy objectives and political ambitions for transforming the region’s socio-economic activities towards a decarbonized future.
- A geological background from a legacy 2D seismic campaign and two existing wells drilled, substantially reducing the exploration and characterization risk of the envisaged storage site.
Success for the Pilot Project will require addressing the following objectives by using customized KPIs and a dedicated methodology:
- Engage, involve and garner support from full spectrum of stakeholders.
- Implement an optimal and reliable commercial scale CO2 transportation method from the Escombreras region to the site.
- Characterize the storage potential site.
- Demonstrate a safe and efficient CO2 injection process.
In a second phase, the consortium aims to upscale and replicate such a project by sharing its knowledge and experience with CCS stakeholders in Europe to foster the development of the open access CO2 storage market.